What the F is the
The F-List
Faithfully, on the fourth F-ing Friday of each month, I shoot an email your way. It's full of all my spilt tea (news) that's F-ing fit to print. Don't worry – there's no actual swearing. I don't F with that. What the F kind of operation do you think I'm running here?

Not Another
F-ing email...
I know, I know. You get a lot of emails. But check these 5 reasons mine's clutch:
1. Social media is an unreliable mistress
2. I actually write back to email replies
3. It's the tasty nougat center of my updates
4. Time zones, time zones, time zones
5. 15% off your first order in my merch shop
No, but for real
What else is tucked the F inside:
1. Fiction (writing)
2. Funny (clips, show dates, doodles)
3. Found (useful tools, tips, guides)
4. Field Notes (nomad adventure stories)
5. Free (email-only freebies)
6. Friends (folks I know doing interesting stuff)
7. Favorites (recommendations)
8. Future (tour dates, pre-order drops)
9. Featured (deep dives: books, merch, ideas)
10. F-d up (bloopers, teaching moments)
11. For Your Eyes Only (list exclusive offers)

what is this free stuff membership?
So glad you asked!
The F-list gets the scoop by email summary (we covered that), but to access the stuff, you'll need your very own log-in here on byamv.com.
It's FREE to sign up, and it just keeps out the crazies, trolls, and bots.
You can control your notifications too!

Comedy Hound
Every month
Missed a live show? Want to binge my silly standup? Okay, okay, LDT. This pass unlocks my video channel.
Valid until canceled
Live show + story replays
Clips NOT posted to social
Exclusive goofy home recordings
Animated jokes + bits
Behind the scenes nonsense

Library Lover
Every month
This digital pass is *literarily* your library card to all my books as ePubs or PDFs. By your 2nd read, it pays for itself!
Valid until canceled
Exclusive posts
Bonus materials

Nomad Misfit
Every month
POV: You want to do the work-travel thing, but you're feeling bizarre AF, and not sure how to break away.
Valid until canceled
Travel guides + books
MisfitKit-Only posts
Exclusive livestreams
My nomad resources list

The Unicorn
Every month
You're so magical you can download ALL 3 categories with horn osmosis technology (sort of like in Avatar, except we don't have to touch tails).
Valid until canceled
Everything in Comedy Hound
Everything in Library Lover
Everything in Nomad Misfit
Unicorn-only Surprise Offers

The Unicorn (Yearly)
Every year
Hate monthly subs? Just for you: get 10% off The Unicorn pass, and get charged only 1x per year.
Valid until canceled
10% off The Unicorn pass price
A single charge, once per year
You can choose the start date
help me keep the free stuff flowing!
A monthly digital pass unlocks everything I already added, plus future members-only goodies when you're logged in. Proceeds directly support me in sharing more free and members-only art, books, jokes, and posts from the road as a queer, indie creative nomad.